Mrs. Kate Martin H.B.A., CTT
Kate Martin, H.B.A, C.T.T., is a Certified Thermography Technician and University of Guelph graduate with a focus on biology and environmental geography. Kate has worked in the natural nutrition and health field for over a decade. After a close family member was diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time, Kate began examining breast cancer prevention and early detection strategies. Upon discovering thermography, Kate began training to become a Certified Thermographic Technician in Toronto with Thermography expert Alex Mostovoy. Her goal is to use thermography to help identify when the body is falling into a state of disease. With this technology and the team at Rebalance London, it is her hope that disease progression can be stopped and health can be restored. When she isn’t imaging in the clinic, Kate is caring for her 3 precious daughters with her husband, cooking, gardening and spending time outdoors.